Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Period 2 - Semester Final

1. My favorite photo from this slideshow is number 9. My reasons is that the silhouette of the dear and bird is very interesting, its nicely framed and there is a good contrast.

2. The best photo is number 1. My reasons are that it includes composition rules that I use which is leasing lines, depth, and rule of thirds.

3. My best work this semester is this photo. I really liked this one because of the sharpness of  the quality and colors. I also learned a new concept at the time of how to do shallow depth of field. I also think the lighting is nice, like the way the sun hits her hair in the photo. If I had more time, I'd do the same thing except have her do another pose.

4. My three rules of composition are leading lines, depth, and rule of thirds.

5. My photo from Masters of Photography. This had the rules leading lines and depth that I applied.

6. Your first rule is "Get closer."

7. Benefits of working with a group.

a.) You can depend on each other.
b.) You can work together to solve problems
c.) A chance to interact with other people.
d.) It more organized
e.) Teammates can help each other

8. Difficulties of working in a group

a.) You might have to pickup another student's slack.
b.) There will be dissagreements
c.) You have to work together
d.) Students might be distracted
e.) It might become loud

9.) Estelle's portrait work was great I think.

10,) My photographer was Carlton Watkins. A major contribution he made was that before him, no one took photos from Yosemite. Many from the east have not seen Yosemite until they saw his photography.

11.)  I think her most famous photo was "Migrant Mother." Photo was taken in California in February of 1936 for the Resettlement Administration.

12.) Life began publishing weekly in 1936 of November 23.

13.)  January 8, 1935.

14.) Capa founded "Magnum Photos" and it started in 1947.

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