-This is my transformative photo because I took this photo and didn't really like it, but after cropping out parts of it and editing color, I made a whole new composition. This made me realize the potential of photography. Just some simple edits can make it look much more interesting.
The Difference Between Shape and Form:
The difference between form and shape is quite broad and both concepts are variable. Form is like the surface area, texture, or the it's 3D appearance. For example, my photo of Form shows a rock that has defining shadow shapes that clearly defines the rock and texture.
For Shape, I like to think of it like a silhouette. It can have big or small varying shapes that will dramatically affect a silhouette. It can also have negative space or the space surrounding the shape that will create a dynamic contrast between the shape and the space around it. My photo example clearly demonstrates this as the two trees and branches create are interesting shapes themselves, but they also enhance the space around it with it's negative shapes.
Difference Between Repetition and Pattern:
The difference between these two concepts might seem similar, but both have their unique traits. Repetition, I like to think of as like an element that is repeating. Such as maybe a photo that has multiple curving lines or a shape with some kind of rhythm like a rolling hill.
Pattern on the other hand is an element that is shown all over the photograph. You can see the element multiple times through the photo, for example, my photo shows the element of lines that act as the pattern.
Movement is a tricky word in the element of design. One might think it's the movement of an object, but it's much more than that. Movement is the director that leads you through points of interest through out a photo. It might be lines of smoke that travels through the whole photo or maybe a long river that winds around the photo. It my photo however, its the winding road that acts as a forceful line that guides your eye around it.
My best is from the commercial shoot:

I think this is my best because I thought of color contrasts. It is my best work because I learned to see differently and changed me as a photographer. It made me think of color contrast between my subject and the background. I also initially took this photo facing straight at him, but I thought it might be more interesting if I changed the angle to show some light.
This made me think of the surroundings more to enhance what would've been a much more boring photo. This changed how I saw differently because I was actively searching for a better composition while shooting this and also thought of elements that would make the photo better.
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